
.■■■ - MSDN 發行 ClickOnce 應用程式
.■■■ - Check the request filtering in IIS Manager.
We saw from the ClickOnce logs that the error was happening because the Request Filtering module on IIS was blocking the .mdb and .config file extensions. We removed it from the list and the issue has been resolved.
.■■■ - 關於證書的兩個問題 (基於VisualStudio2008 SP1,.NET Framework3.5 SP1的開發環境 )
.■■■ - ClickOnce 經驗談
.■■■ - 組件自動更新 使用 ClickOnce 佈署
.■■■ - Installing the FrontPage Server Extensions on IIS 7 , 7.5 (Windows 7 or Server 2008R2)
For additional information about the RTR FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 and licensing, please visit: http://www.rtr.com/fpse/Win2008R2/.
.■■■ - [VisualStudio]VS2010 Web Application Deployment
.■■■ - 如何利用Web單鍵發行的Web部署來發行網站
.■■■ - [.Net] ClickOnce 部署現成的程式
.■■■ - 如何使用 Visual Studio 2010 的「單鍵發行」功能 (MsDeploy)
.■■■ - Click One Install Path : C:\Users\LoginName\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
Windows 7 專業版的作業系統找到 Click Once 線上版的應用程式主體位置,僅供參考:
"%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0\一段亂數組成的資料夾\又是一段亂數組成的資料夾\"應用程式檔名前幾個字再加上一段亂數組成的資料夾\"   目錄下就會看到 Click Once 應用程式了。
ClickOnce deployment is designed to have zero-impact on the host machine so ClickOnce apps are installed into user folders in order not to have any impact on the host machine and not to require admin rights.
On Vista/Win7 this location is SysDrive:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Apps\ folder and on XP boxes I think the folder is SysDrive:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\ if I recall correctly.
On Vista/7 you can easily find this location buy opening Task Manager and clicking on the 'Open File Location' menu item of your application's context menu.
.■■■ - 將網站的檔案與資料庫發佈到遠端主機的方式也有好幾種,比較常見的是透過 FTP 上傳檔案,另外還有 FrontPage Server Extension 也是之前經常使用的上傳方法,最近還有微軟新一代的發佈工具 Web Deploy 也是另一種網站發佈的方式。
Visual Studio 2010 的單鍵發行 (One-Click Publish) 功能與微軟的 Web Deploy 工具就是非常適合用來簡化整體網站發佈的流程。
.■■■ - iis mdb application/x-msaccess  ;;; application/octet-stream (可下載) .7z
.■■■ - Web Services + Click Once開發筆記
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.■■■ - [.Net] 為用來傳送的強型別DataSet減肥
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